Make your Home the Best Place 
for your Children to Learn and Grow 

Create a home Learning Space that sparks joy in learning, playing and creating everyday

  • Does your house look like a minefield of toys everyday?
  • Are there plenty of unplayed toys littering your space?
  • Do your children ask for more screen time all the time?
  • Is it difficult for them to engage with anything other than screens at home?
  • Do you look at your home and feel uninspired, distracted and overwhelmed? 

Do you want to create a space that sparks joy in learning, playing, and creating every day?

I can help.

This is the ONLY enrolment this year.
Door closes in



The Happy Learning Space

The most comprehensive online program to help you create an engaging and nurturing Home Learning Space for your children

Take your home from an overwhelming mess to an inviting learning haven.

Hello there, I’m Fynn.

I am an engineering graduate turned teacher, author and mother of three. I am passionate about helping parents design Learning Spaces at home because I have seen first hand what a Learning Space that is designed with your children in mind can do.

My older two children had the opportunities to attend amazing play-based preschools in California.
Whenever I walked into their classrooms, I noticed children were

  • excited to explore the classroom right away
  • focused on the learning activities
  • engaged in creative play for hours
  • confident about taking care of themselves
  • happy, calm and self-sufficient

Why are Home learning spaces so important?

Think about this:

  • Children acquire their first life experiences at home. 
  • Children spend most of their wakeful time, especially during the early years, at home. 
  • Your home environment's impact on your children’s learning and development is more profound and enduring than you imagine. 

What if you could create an equally engaging and nurturing learning environment at home? 

Imagine a home where

  • your children’s interests are supported and encouraged, leading to deeper engagement 
  • your children have more fun learning, playing and creating than tapping the screen on their latest piece of technology
  • your children get to practice practical life skills and become confident in their capacity for self-care
  • you can spend more time connecting with your children and less time cleaning up an avalanche of toys

Hear from fellow parents how THis course has transformed their homes

I remember a time feeling super lost and overwhelmed with my son’s growing collection of books, toys and craft materials. I didn’t know how to organize them and felt worse that my 2 year old son was feeling even more overwhelmed.

Then came Fynn’s The Happy Learning Space course to the rescue! Her content is so well-organized, relatable, and buildable. She also provides weekly coaching calls which have been super helpful. 

I feel much better equipped to provide a nurturing learning environment for my two boys


Mom of 2

Attending the Happy Learning Space Course is one of the best decisions I have made this year! 

I have heard a lot about learning spaces and have attempted to set them up. Some have been hits but mostly misses, so being able to have Fynn guide me through the steps was really helpful! She is very experienced and resourceful; her materials provided me with new insights, and yet was easy to follow. I am a full time working mum, so that was super important for me. Under her guidance, I have been more successful in changing up and adding the different spaces in my home.
Learning at home has never been more fun and positive! 

Ping Qi

Mom of 2

The Happy Learning Space course was very helpful and inspiring for both myself and my 17 month daughter. I had been looking for ways to help my home become a space for creativity and learning, where my daughter could discover and play on her own and I found that through this course! I learned so much about what types of toys to use for the age of my child along with how to organize and set up my home for a positive learning space.

I highly recommend this course, it was well worth it as I will be continuing to use it as my daughter grows older and our little family continues to grow!

Krista Lall

Mom of 1

Happy Learning Space course has changed my perspective as independent play and learning do not mean to have a big shelf, space or home. During the course, I learnt to create a simple playing and reading corner. I am definitely blown away by their reactions just with simple changes to their existing toys and books. They have never been so excited and interested.

Overall this course is very beneficial with detailed and well organized content.

Highly recommended to parents who like to find and create a learning space for their children.

Anni Lim

Mom of 3

One of the best decisions I have ever made for my child is signing up for Fynn’s The Happy Learning Space course.

I am enlightened by how much I can enrich my daughter’s space with just the simplest of tools and materials and by making the best out of what we have (space limitations being my key concern!). I am personally enjoying the process of creating and re-creating the space together with my child as she grows and it is heartening to see how much she is enjoying and learning from this space. Thanks Fynn!🙂

Qian Yu

Mom of 1

I’ve reaped a great deal of knowledge from this course, from learning about the different learning corners, the important considerations for set-up, to designing each of them in a systematic and organized way. Fynn showed us how you don’t require big spaces and a lot of new items just to create various learning corners. The content and pace was easy to follow and Fynn was very approachable when we sought clarifications and advice.

A course that you’ll definitely benefit from if you are a firm believer that learning environment is the third teacher!

Germaine Lee

Mom of 1

The Happy Learning Space course is one of the best parenting courses I’ve attended!

Fynn’s lessons and coaching calls were insightful. I like how her lessons build up, from the what to the how. I also appreciate all the tips she threw in along the way, especially on displaying toys in a way that is attractive and accessible to children. In true Fynn’s style, she always considers age-appropriateness when making suggestions. I made use of what I learnt about learning corners from the course, to be more intentional in creating a new play space for my children.  My toddler and my husband were wow-ed by the new space!  

Wen Xiu

Mom of 2

As a first-time mum, Fynn's course really helped me to simplify the concepts and building blocks behind creating a conducive learning space for my child.

We have since changed the way we display toys and also adopted many age-appropriate play/ learning ideas that Fynn has shared. My child engages well with these activities and also enjoys her learning area now.

We are still experimenting every day with her (my bub) as well, and I would refer to Fynn's course notes every now and then to help in redesigning the play area to facilitate her learning! 

Tiffany Yang

Mom of 1

Though my home is still a work in progress, I’ve seen how my girl can now engage in longer periods of pretend play, even coming up with mini storylines in her head! All these with FEWER toys. The irony! What I especially liked about the course are the examples of how to implement the concepts taught. It really gave me inspiration as to how I could apply what I learnt.

Yay to fewer questions like “Can I watch TV, Mummy?” and a better learning environment for my toddler (2.5 years old) and soon-to-be toddler (9 months old)!  

Amanda Tan

Mom of 2

Your home is where your children acquire their first life experiences.

Let's make your home an engaging and nurturing one.

WHat will you get in this course?

The happy learning space ecourse
  • 5 modules and over 35 training videos that are designed to guide you step by step through your Learning Space Design journey
  • Lessons are delivered over 6 weeks
  • Bonus videos to look into my Home Learning Space
  • Workbooks and checklists to help you assess your Learning Corners
  • Recommended toy, book and supply lists
  • 4 live coaching calls where I will help you troubleshoot and answer your questions. 
  • Priority support from me via our private FB group and email
  • An additional 2 months of FB group and email support after the end of the course.
  • A supportive, private Facebook community where you can learn from one another

Over 6 weeks, commencing 5 October 2023, we will cover:

Module 1: The Home Learning Space 

  • A new perspective to what a Learning Space is
  • Benefits of a well designed, child friendly home environment

Module 2: The Building Blocks of Your Learning Space

  • What are the basic Learning Corners
  • How a Learning Space looks like in big and small homes
  • How to create intentional areas for playing, reading, creating, self-care, moving, discovery and calming
  • How to choose age appropriate and engaging toys, books and art supplies 
  • Encouraging more open-ended and creative play
  • BONUS Videos: Playing Corner Tour, Reading Corner Tours, Self-care Corners Tour, Understanding Open-ended Play

Module 3: The Learning Space Elements

  • How to set up a flexible and open-ended Learning Space to encourage more creative play
  • Introducing diversity in your materials to cater to different ages, skills and interests
  • Cutting back on the amount of materials at home and freeing up precious space
  • How to choose optimally challenging materials for maximum engagement
  • Tips to make your Learning Space and materials accessible and inviting 
  • How to make your children feel connected and attracted to their Learning Space
  • BONUS Video: Toy Rotation

Module 4: The LEarning space Design Cycle

  • Knowing the purpose of your Learning Corner
  • Finding the perfect location at home for your Learning Corner
  • Choosing materials and storage 
  • How to present materials in an inviting way
  • How to adapt your Learning Space for your children’s changing needs
  • BONUS Videos: Display 101, Storage Solutions

Module 5: A Learning Space for Everyone

  • Finding space in small homes
  • Designing a Learning Space for siblings
  • Tips to encourage children to clean up
  • Tips to encourage your child to learn, play and create independently
  • BONUS Videos: A Learning Space in Small Home, Storage Room Tour


  • Creating A Learning Space for School-Going Children
  • A Quick Guide to Encouraging Positive Sibling Relationships at Home
  • 3 Components of Your Home Environment

Hear from parents how THis course has transformed their homes

The Happy learning space course teaches you more than how to set up a play or learning room.

It introduces you to many strategies to use the environment strategically to support your child’s holistic development. The weekly Q&A sessions provided further elaboration to the concept taught and Fynn’s answers were always thoughtful and practical.


Mom of 1

This course puts together almost everything you need to know on creating space/corners for young children to develop their creativity and independence.

Love how well Fynn communicates ideas through her lectures and bonus videos. Everything from the course materials to consultation was delivered seamlessly.

Totally worth the investment cost .

Joanne Chiu

Mom of 2

I'm glad I joined this course! It set the foundation of creating learning spaces in my home. 

With lifetime access, I could easily refer back to the course materials too. The personal coaching call also helped me so much in answering questions that I had for her. Fynn is so passionate about teaching others and informative through her wealth of knowledge and experiences.
Thank you for creating this course! 

Karen Teoh

Mom of 1

Fynn’s Happy Learning Space is very practical and useful, especially for new moms who want to engage their children in a meaningful way, but have no idea where to start. The course is easy to follow, there are step by step guides on how to set up learning corners and choose relevant materials for your children, and weekly coaching calls where Fynn will answer all our questions.

The most useful part for me was finding out how I can use spaces / materials at home to create learning corners for my son (even though we didn’t have a big space). I’m also pleasantly surprised that my son now has pockets of time where he will sit down by himself for a few minutes, pick out some books / toys to entertain himself while the adults talk / do their stuff. It’s still a work in progress but I’m thankful for the tools the course has given me!
Even my husband agreed and said that he’s glad that I signed up for the course!


Mom of 1

The course is superbly well put together week by week - giving us enough time to learn, absorb and put it into practice into our homes!

I personally enjoyed our weekly FB live session as well whereby we exchange questions and feedbacks with Fynn! I have implemented what I have gained from the course in my home and my 2 little ones ( 2YO and 10 MO) are really happy and engaging with the different learning corners around our home, it gives me and my husband such a huge joy to see that and I am sure you will too!

Audrey Chang

Mom of 2

Want to sincerely thank you for offering this course. Indeed it was informative and resourceful! I learnt a lot from the course and I'm in progress to revamp the room to be more meaningful and effective!  I love how it covers different categories of materials, toys, how they should be displayed so that it's more inviting, how to arrange everything, complementing each other and even recommendations of furniture or tools in the market.

I especially like the personalisation where you share about your own learning spaces to inspire me!  I find the course well planned with structured content, interactive weekly coaching calls and the supportive Facebook community.  

A recommended course for sure!  


Mom of 2

Ready to transform your home into an inviting Learning Space?

  • Five modules delivered over 6 weeks, commencing 5 Oct 2023 and ending on 16 Nov 2023
  • 4 live Q&A sessions 
  • Workbooks, checklists and recommended toy, book and supply lists
  • Exclusive Facebook community 
  • Individualized and priority support from me inside our FB group or via email
  • 2 months email and FB group support after the end of the course

The Happy Learning Space 


This is the ONLY enrolment this year.
Door closes in


This course is for you if:

  • you have children between 1 to 9 years old
  • you desire a home that nurtures a love of learning, encourages creativity and builds confidence in your children
  • you want your children to feel self-sufficient, competent and engaged at home
  • you want to provide a home environment that supports your children's development and learning

You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers.

The course will start on 5 October 2023 with a Live Kickoff Call at 9.30pm SGT. The first module will be released on 6 October 2023. New modules and bonus masterclasses will be released every Friday for 6 weeks. Click here for a copy of the course program.

Let me assure you, I speak from firsthand experience.
I call Singapore, a country just 0.01% the size of the US, my home. I've navigated life in a 700 sqft apartment with only two bedrooms, while raising three children. I've even shared living quarters with my parents-in-law. So, when I say I understand the challenges of living in a small space with kids, it's not just words—it's my reality.  

With unwavering confidence, I can tell you this: if you're in a similar situation with limited space, this course is a MUST for you.

In small homes, every square foot is precious, and the strategies you'll gain from this course are tailored to help you maximize the value of your limited space. Your small home can truly become a haven of comfort and functionality for your family with the knowledge and skills you'll acquire.

Most of the materials and principles I teach in this course are focused on designing a Learning Space for children between 1 to 9 years old. 

Yes! While you probably don’t need to set up everything now, the course will prepare you for what’s coming so that you can make informed decisions about where to invest your money and space from day 1.

You will get lifetime* access to the course materials. The learning portal along with all the videos, workbooks and resources will be available to you even after the course has ended.
Read our Terms of Use here.
*This refers to the lifetime of the product.

The Facebook group will be archived on 16 January 2023, 2 months after the end of the course. After the FB group is archived, you cannot put up a new post but you will still be able to read the old posts and comments. 

Yes! I will be available during my office hours, Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm, Singapore Standard Time (SST) to answer all of your questions, so ask away in the Facebook group. On Thursday, 9.30pm SST we will also have LIVE group coaching calls, where I will give more in-depth answers to your questions.

I am providing additional 2 months support via our class FB group and email after the end of the course.

While there are many articles with tips on how to put together a play area or an art shelf, what these articles teach is only one small piece of the Learning Space puzzle. There are even more blog posts with long lists of favorite materials and toys that encourage parents to buy everything. Many parents bought toys and more toys, hoping that their children will spend hours playing independently. But the result? Their children were overwhelmed quickly and the whole house became a mess.
When their children grew up, or when siblings came into the picture, parents were lost because now these tips didn’t work anymore, and they had no idea how to adapt their home to the changing needs of their children.

You can spend all your time going through blog posts, with bits of information here and there and spend more money on toys and materials while you figure things out on your own. Or you can join my course and get my tried and tested roadmap of creating an engaging Learning Space, in just 6 weeks. 

I have designed the weekly content to be delivered in short bite-sized videos (between 5 to 15 minutes) for busy parents like you, to consume during any small pockets of time. The weekly lessons are about 30 minutes long, broken down in 5 to 15 minutes videos. The live coaching calls are recorded, so you can watch the replay at your convenience if you cannot attend the sessions live. 

You have lifetime* access to the course and you can review the lessons anytime.
*Read our Terms of Use here.

I want to be perfectly honest here. There may never be a better time because we, parents, are always busy. Committing time for this course NOW to change your home environment for the better is going to save you an abundance of time and money for rest of the years to come.

Fynn has included so many different learning spaces to consider and how they can work together by using her family as an example. She is mindful of every family needs and tries her best to help you find your rhythm and space. Succinct modules make things easier to read and listen and the checklists to guide the organisation of your space. Taking just what she taught on her modules, carved out a good space for learning and playing at the same area. I also have a calm down area and a messy sensory area created. I believe Fynn's experience and patience will be extremely helpful to find your family rhythm in creating the optimal learning space.

Vivian Lim

Mom of 3

As a first time mum, I found myself very anxious and constantly buying books and toys because I didnt know how should I engage my child. When I chanced upon The Happy Learning Space course, I knew I had to sign up right away.

Very mindblown by what Fynn has shared and cannot wait to start implementing all that I have learnt! Fynn is very open and selfless with her sharing. Will highly recommend this course to parents who have no idea on how to effectively engage a child, yet promote independent playing and learning at the same time. 

Hui Jun

Mom of 1

I was perplexed for some time why my 18 month old was not interested with the toys I bought for her. I really wanted to understand more, and I am glad that this course opened when I needed it.  In the course, I discovered how toys and learning corners can be categorized. I applied my learnings while using the DICE design cycle, I was delighted with the responses from my child. She became more engaged with the toys displayed on the shelf. The bonus videos in the course were great, it was practical to apply, I benefited so much especially on toys rotation hacks. Now, she loves her calming corner so much and she would stay there for long flipping her books. She knows where her toys should be kept and where each book title is placed. This makes cleaning up with her easy.  I guess the biggest takeaway from this course is I do not need fanciful toys; simple setups, and repurposed daily household tools can truly capture my child’s attention too!

Chloe Lai

Mom of 1

You will not believe how much I benefited from this course .

I started with just 2 reading corners, one of them properly organized to my current house set up w 80% of the learning corners covered in your course . The cost that I spend to create the change was so minimum but the impact created was so impressive.  

Key points in order to benefit from the course .  1) Be thick skin to share my existing problems and situation. You gave me personal guidance for each and every corner .  2) Set the heart and effort to make small changes to try that will suit ur kids needs  3) Share with kids what I learn and discuss with them. I always believe their voices are very important in order to make the learning corner successful.  

You shared lot of small tips within the bonus videos . The whole entire knowledge will be able to benefit me throughout my kids growing stage and I can easily alter to their needs as they grow older .  


Mom of 2

THLS course has been very insightful and my biggest takeaway is the flexibility in creating learning corners for our children especially based on their interest and using the 6As to constantly evaluate its effectiveness throughout their growing years. The methods DICE, 6As that Fynn introduced are evergreen and I will be more than happy to introduce this course to my sisters and friends. Fynn also provided me the assurance that the first attempt might not always work our way but the importance is to continue to tweak our learning corners till it complements with our children best. 

Sin Yao

Mom of 1

I’ve really enjoyed Fynn’s happy learning space course. It is well organized and very do-able with the well paced and short videos that I’m able to fit into my busy schedule. I also feel well supported in the Facebook community where participants of the course shared their ideas and questions. I’m the most appreciative of q&a sessions where Fynn answers all the questions providing insightful suggestions and solutions to the problems raised. Lastly, the course is super value for money with all the bonus videos Fynn feeds us with. 

Olive Gan

Mom of 1

Your knowledge and great resources offered by your course really helped me to make a learning space that we’ll use rather than Instagram worthy! There were so many things that I didn’t realize were significant to a child’s learning.  I am thankful to have a small learning space/play corner that we can spend time together as a family. Once again, thank you for your well designed course.

Eva Yap

Mom of 2

Even before I became a mom, I've always wanted to provide a learning through play environment at home for my kids. Now that I have 2 boys (3yo and 11mos old), I got overwhelmed by all the chaos and mess due to too much toys during playtime. Another challenge is that we are living with my parents-in-law and we don't have a big space.
Until I saw Fynn on Instagram and I joined the Happy Learning Space course that I got a whole new mindset about it! Fynn was very helpful and gives good tips and advice. The lessons were informative, organized, easy to understand, and easy to apply! My kids are still young but I see how a prepared environment affected their mood, their concentration and their attitude while playing. I'm happy that I joined and that I have a lifetime access to the course. I can read and study it again when I need to! Thanks so much, Fynn! Hope you help more parents like me!


Mom of 2

From this course, I learnt that learning spaces can be created in a small space! I found out what types of toys are suitable for long term play and would grow with the child - save money! I learnt the reasons why my child is not playing those toys on the shelf. When I made adjustments, I could see a change in the attitude in my son. I found out learning corners are not difficult to create and I don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy expensive toys or materials. I could use existing materials easily available at home. Now, I can easily create a simple discovery corner for my son within 10 minutes and my son smiles at the materials when he wakes up from his nap/sleep.  I learnt activities which could encourage him to focus and for him to learn independence through self-care corners too.

My son spends a lot of time at my parent’s when I am at work and my mom observed a huge difference the way how he plays when he is at my house and when he is at my parent’s house - he cannot focus and he throws his toys everywhere. Applying what I learnt from this course - I realised that his behaviour could be due to a lack of a space designated for toys or his books. I created a playing corner and reading corner for him at my parent’s house too. My parents later told me that he can focus better now, which is really encouraging to me because I did not do major changes to my parent’s house, I just shifted some stuff away and reorganised the toys and it worked!

I feel so lucky to attend this course because I benefitted so much from Fynn and her weekly sharing sessions and the knowledge are so useful to apply in my day-to-day life. I highly recommend this course to my friends!

Phoebe Tan

Mom of 1

Satisfaction Guaranteed 

If you participate fully in the course and you are not happy with the results, email me at within 2 weeks, with a copy of your completed workbook and I will issue you a full refund. 

This is the ONLY enrolment in 2023.
Join The Happy Learning Space today and get:

  • Five modules delivered over 6 weeks, commencing 5 Oct 2023 and ending on 16 Nov 2023
  • 4 live Q&A sessions  
  • Workbooks, checklists and recommended toy, book and supply lists 
  • Exclusive Facebook community  
  • Individualized and priority support from me inside our FB group or via email 
  • 2 months email and FB group support after the end of the course

The Happy Learning Space 


Our Home Learning Space is featured multiple times on the newspapers.

Our Movement Corner is featured on The Straits Times 

Our Home Learning Space is featured on The Straits Times 

Watch this interview with ST Smart Parents where I share about our Home Learning Space

Fynn Sor

Fynn is a Chemical Engineer graduate turned Math and Science teacher from Singapore, an author and mother of three. She is also the creative brain behind Happy Tot Shelf, a hugely popular website that champions playful, hands-on learning. She believes that nurturing a love of learning begins at home and parents are their children’s first and best teachers. Through Happy Tot Shelf, Fynn shares her creative learning ideas with parents so that they can raise happy little learners too. Happy Tot Shelf has amassed more than a million followers across various social media platforms and her posts and videos have been viewed and liked by millions more. Fynn has been featured in various newspapers, websites and on radio shows as an expert in early childhood learning and creative hands-on learning ideas.

Any other questions about The Happy Learning Space course?

 Send your questions to and I’ll be happy to answer them.